How is the Descale cycle initiated?

So I have the manual and have located the descale button but cannot initiate the cycle. The manual mentions the app but I cannot find information to start the cycle to descale. I want to do the recommended maintenance sooner than later but am unable to do so currently. Any help would be appreciated. I have also reached out to support and have yet to hear back.

Also, what is the descaling solution that it refers to?

This is what I believe the solution that is being required to maintain the boiler in the oven.

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Thank you! I guess you put this in the pan and run the descaler sequence? Or does it go in the tank?

FWIW, regarding your question. A descale light appeared on the oven today for me and it told me to put the tray on the bottom of the oven and then asked me to insert the descaling solution and then it wanted to start some sort of 35 min process that I didn’t understand. I wasn’t sure whether the descaling solution was supposed to go in the pan or in the tank.

I suppose that it could be heating up the pan to descale the exhaust OR go into the tank to descale the steam feeder… hmm. It’s very frustrating that there is no online documentation about this.

Ok, so in the manual it says to place the pan on the bottom of the oven and then empty the water tank, add one quart of water and 200ml of solution. Run the descale cycle until it runs out. Then add another quart and run that through until descaling is process is finished. Question is, how do I initiate the cycle, cause I can’t do it from the app or the keypad like the manual says…

Oh duh. I didn’t see that. Thanks @Bbqboss!