Alexa skill for UK

No new updates on the Alexa skill for the US (we need to have this resubmitted to Amazon before we can move forward with other geos). We’ve unfortunately had to push back our expected delivery a bit, but we’ll get it done. As per usual, I will update any new details here on the forum once I get them.

When is the app due in the UK Alexa store? There’s been too much dodging and answer aversion so far!

Not dodging, just no new updates for the skill in UK at this time.

Come on it is now July 2018 please give us the UK skill or say you can’t do it

We can’t do it right now.

Can’t or won’t? Is it Anova who can’t or Amazon who won’t? Will you please open your API’s and open source the skill development so the community can do it for you? The Anova was advertised as Works with Alexa so it’s not false advertising. Maybe I should buy a Joule… I hear they’re better anyway

What you choose to do is up to you. We’re working hard to get features, updates, fixes out the door. I know it’s annoying, but things take time.

Alyssa, I started this thread last year when I posed the question about Anova’s Alexa capability coming to the UK. Since then all I have heard from you on behalf of Anova is absolutely nothing but the same old platitudes about working hard to make it happen or that it takes time or that you are having to rework the US version. It’s now wearing a bit thin. You have given no information whatsoever about what is happening or what progress has been made. Do you actually have any concrete information from either Anova or Amazon that you can give your customers or are we going to get another stock customer service answer?

I unfortunately don’t have any additional info. Just that we’re working on the skill since it was previously pulled and needed to be fixed up.

Any update on the skill? Been waiting over a year!

No updates on the skill for the UK.

Hi, do you have any more visibility on the process besides “no updates”
Is the skill actually being worked on?
Are there technical hurdles? or have priorities changed and this request is low?
Or are you prevented from disclosing details?

Transparency in these things always works better - even it is not the news people are looking for - it is detail people want.


We’re not working on the skill for UK currently. Right now the priority is to get the skill for the US back online first. We’re close to getting that done - but since we’ve faced a lot of hurdles and push-backs along the way, I am always uncomfortable giving solid dates. We’ve faced a few rejections from Amazon with our submissions, so we are working carefully to get this where it needs to be.

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Thank you Alyssa - I’m not looking for solid dates, but this kind of update is far more informative - even though it isn’t good news for us waiting for UK skill but it shows us outsiders something is still progressing here.


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Glad it provided some clarity. I will keep updating folks here as I get more info.

Another month done, how much further along is the US skill, is it back online yet?


No there isn’t. :frowning: Just that we’ve run into a few bugs that blocked us from getting this done already.

It’s me again - another month further on :slight_smile:
Any progress on getting either skill progressed?


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it has been de-prioritized due to a shift of focus. We’re not actively working on the Alexa skill right now until we get another project completed.

At last a bit of truth. I fear there has never been a serious attempt or intent to enable or develop this skill for Alexa in the UK. After around 18 months of initially asking the question of when it was to be introduced, Anova have shown their true colours by relegating the UK skill to something which isn’t as important as that of the USA. Your company lied… yes lied about the ability of your product when it was sold in the UK and have continued to prevaricate when pressed for answers. I for one will make it my business to dissuade anyone I can from purchasing another product from your deceitful company.

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