Pasteurized=Safe to cool in Anova bath?

Hi Everyone!
I see recipes that recommend cooling cooked packets in ice baths quickly in preparation for storage. I wonder how this is a food safety issue, if the food has already been safely pasteurized by our temps and cooking times. Is it really for keeping food out of the danger zone, or just so we can put the packets in our fridges and freezers quicker?
I’m specifically thinking about this sous-vide egg bites I have cooking right now (just like a bunch of people on here! :)) and am considering just turning off the machine at the hour mark and staying in bed, letting the jars sit in the bath overnight for reheating tomorrow morning.
Am I setting all of us up for a bout of food poisoning? :slight_smile:
Looking forward to your input!

I wouldn’t icebath the egg-bites because you would be at risk of shocking cracking your jars. The mason jars are thick enough to handle the increase in temp from ambient to water bath temp as they also have the product inside at ambient temp to act as a buffer. However going from cook temp to just above freezing from an icebath, particularly with internal bulk that is hot, could potentially cause chill shock and stress fracture.

Glass is my forte, hopefully someone else can help with the rest of your question.

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I think it is really your call to make. The egg bits will be pasteurized, but if it is really hot out, you may not want to leave them out. I think it is similar to the issue with any eggs, some people leave them on the counter, others put them in fridge. Make the choice that you feel safest with :slight_smile:

This is about botulism.

Botulism is a heat-resistant bacteria that thrives in low-oxygen environments (AKA anything under vacuum including jarred goods, canned goods, and sous-vide goods). The bacteria itself is harmless, however in food kept at room temperature (aka in the danger zone) it will produce a dangerous toxin. This toxin can be deadly. Keep all foods that are in sealed containers outside of the danger zone by either immersing in an ice bath after cooking then freezing or refridgerating, or open the bag.

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Good advice as I lost the bottoms on two of my six Ball jars and suspect it was because I followed the cook time with an ice bath. Both bottoms fell out when washing the jars by hand so next time I’m going to let them cool just a bit before placing in the refrigerator.

More people should be made aware of the dangers of Botulism. For example this morning I received a recipe for Infuse Oil using fresh Herbs. This is most unsafe as it calls for a low temperature of 55C for 3 hours.
Sous Vide Infused Oils

The Botulism Spores develop best at this temperature and are often present in fresh vegetable (especially Garlic)

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When I want to cool down mason jars quickly, I put them into the sink and first run tap water (more or less room temperature or a little cooler) over them. Let them sit in that for ten minutes, then I add a bunch of ice cubes. The idea is to not go from 50+ ºC to near 0 ºC in a fraction of a second.

No fractured jars so far that way, fingers crossed…

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