Here come the Holidays....=o

RD, best to be safe and not too casual with poultry. Plan on poultry being well inoculated with Salmonella and Lysteria, not living pathogens you want to experience.

Consider that for Pasteurization to be achieved at 64ᴼC an inch thick portion of turkey, that would be 25 mm if you are of the metric persuasion, requires a full hour. Using weight instead of thickness may compromise your safety. A 50 mm thick chunk requires 2 1/2 hours.

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Thanks, gigito2, I’ll look the video up on youtube.

You’re very welcome.

Hi Jen,

Last thanksgiving I SVd my turkey…it was fabulous. The recipe is on Chefsteps, I highly recommend it.

Good luck


Ross29, thank you! I will check it out

Ross29, I went to the site, looks like it’s similar to what I want to do. Thanks again!