I love my Anova Precision Cooker and use it all the time. Eggs, chicken, fish, 72-hour shortribs, creme brûlées, and even infused alcohols. All the classics, but I’ve found a few other uses and I just felt it was time to share.
Shampooing the carpet. You have to fill the carpet shampoo machine’s reservoir with hot water so instead of running the tap each time I just keep a bunch holding at 130*F.
Making soap. I just started messing around with this and I’m using the melt and pour method. 160*F in a ziplock bag and it’s perfect. Easy to pour into molds and quick cleanup.
Cleaning my smoking pipe. Glass pipes need cleaning. In a ziplock bag I cover the pipe with rubbing alcohol and put it in a 140*F bath for 30 minutes. If there are any stubborn spots dump a handful of coarse salt in the bag and shake
I’m sure I’ll find other uses, but for now I’ve got to get back to the water.