Oven light stays on even when oven not in use

I just received my APO and proceeded with the Heating Element Preparation. After this, I noticed that a new Firmware was available. Update was performed successfully. Now, the oven light stays on all the time, even when the over is not in use (Display off, except Wireless and Star/Stop). I tried to unplug/plug power and perform a full reset, to no avail. Any idea how to get this fixed? Thank you.

The latest firmware doesn’t do that to me. It might reset itself if you reinstall the firmware.

Hi. Sounds like an issue. Please email support@anovaculinary.com

Hi Cole. Hope all is well and safe on your side. Unfortunately, I experienced more serious electrical issues since my post. I opened ticket #691810, if you want to have a look. Thank you.

thanks for the information.

thanks my issue has been fixed.

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