SV Medallions of pork tenderloin on a bed of baby spinach, with sautéed onions and mushrooms topped with shaved blue cheese.
SV brussels sprouts then broiled. SV butter poached variety fingerling potatoes.
This was my first attempt at coordinating three SV dishes at one meal. I cooked them in order of increasing temperature - 130ºF, 180ºF, 190ºF, Finishing, searing the medallions while the brussels sprouts were in the broiler and plating them. Then the brussels sprouts came out into a serving dish, and the potatoes went directly to a serving dish.
Also red and white wine, sparkling water, great tomatoes sliced and a diced avocado. Strawberries and ice cream for dessert.
My naïfs were complimentary and Milady Wife was pleased. I am very pleased.
My ordered cooking weights have not yet arrived, inspired by the difficulties that I have had with brussels sprouts previously and globe artichokes were worse. So I vacuum bagged an eight inch adjustable wrench for the bag of brussels sprouts - and it was not heavy enough. So I snipped the bag to vent the air, then folded and clamped the snipped corner, and it worked OK.