Reheating Meals with Danny

145F for 99 minutes would work fine for chicken breast, but legs and thighs are generally considered much better when cooked at a higher heat.

I find chicken breast cooked at 145 to be excellent, and I highly recommend it.

Now, for some good news! When it comes to “re-heating” in a sous vide bath you can’t really “overcook” your food as long as you don’t reheat it to a higher temperature than that at which you initially cooked your food.
So for example, if you grill your chicken quarters, then vacuum seal, chill, and freeze them, you can reheat them in the sous vide bath at 160F or so for an hour - or even three hours - and it will not overcook! Read some of the past posts in this forum if you’re not already familiar with this - sous vide cooking really differs from “standard” cooking! Below I include a quote of something I myself posted a while ago that I think you might find useful.

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