What type of bags do you use?

cZc - Reusable silicone bags: Extremely efficient, 100% hermetic, great quality silicone, large opening, very low price.
ANDY’S STORE at https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Reusable-Silicone-Vacuum-Food-Fresh-Bags-Wraps-Fridge-Food-Storage-Containers-Refrigerator-Bag-Kitchen-Colored-Ziplock/32824467163.html

  • Aliexpress ships from China.
    No need for SV equipment, just use the water immersion method.
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Thank you!!

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i personally put my vote for reusable silicone bags so thank you a lot for the aliexpress link andrei1d. i really appreciate it!


Hi michihenning, sorry for late reply. IKEA did reply me in a very diplomatic way that what I did should be safe, however they do not recommend to go above the defined specification. (I’d post the reply, but I asked in italian).
I’d have answered the same thing in their shoes. I keep using these as other firends of mine are doing, quite confidently at least till 65C.

Best Regards,

Thanks for letting us know! Seems like you are not going to suffer premature death for using these bags :wink:

For yogurt I use glass jars. I am looking for reusable silicone bags for other things. I am wondering if the large bag from stasher was big enough for a 1.5-2kg roast.

I think the large Stasher bag is about 10" square, so no. They’re still not large enough for a roast.

Why didnt i think of it!! Thanks. After reading about leakage with IKEA ISTAD bag, i ended using a big mason jar…to cook Jap Cahshu…with lots of liquid. Lets see the verdict.