Will dry aging beef prior to cooking change times and temps?

If I dry age a bone in prime rib prior to cooking. Will it change or effect my cooking times or temp?

My educated guess says perhaps it might require a slightly longer time due to the reduced moisture content, but I’m also curious to find out if anyone knows for sure!

I am looking to dry age a bone in ribeye for Christmas. Then sous vide Follow by torch crusting.

No change really. Just treat the beef the same as you always would. But you really should experiment to find out your preferences.

While dry aged beef has a slightly lower moisture content, the aging process has allowed enzymes within the meat to commence the breakdown process, thereby tenderising the meat.

Gonna try the the same thing. 2 or 3 bone roast.

How long are you planning on dry again?

I’ve been known to age a full muscle group, like a whole rump for 120 days plus. But smaller pieces will take less time. I’d also suggest if you aren’t familiar with the flavour that you start with about 28 days for a full muscle group and work upwards from there. Not everyone like the intensity of flavour.

Fac, aging beef is basically scientifically controlled rotting. It’s nearly impossible to do correctly without knowledge and accurately controlled temperature and humidity. That said, cook as you usually do or less, not longer as it is going to be substantially more tender if you put it through a long aging. You know you are going to have to trim well-aged meat before cooking, right?

If you are only giving the meat a few day’s extra age you are just playing with your food and would be better off using a two temperature stage cook to enhance enzyme activity with about the same result.

Ember is correct, well-aged meat has a significantly differently flavour. If you enjoy well fermented cheeses, particularly those made from raw milk, you may like it. Most people have no idea what a well aged steak tastes like.

Dry aging beef will result in lost meat. Generally speaking, you can expect to lose about 10-15% due to moisture loss and other factors.

Cook to medium rare or less. Any more well done, and you’ll lose all of the benefits of flavor and tenderness, on top of content loss.