So I did those last Picanha’s for 24 hrs at 135F, and they were great But the (great) thing is, with SV, you can always let it go longer if your just not quite ready… or not at home to pull your meat out.
I always set my machine to go WAY longer than I’m really expecting, just for this reason.
So yesterday, we were out on a nature walk (social distancing, sure… stay at home, helz no !) and then, even after getting back home, I totally forgot about the SV. By the time I remembered it, it had been 28 hrs. Had one this morning, seared in butter… and who needs teeth anyway lol Tasted great, and was perfectly done for my tastes. VERY tender, but not mushy or powdery whatsoever.
Maybe its just me, but I’m getting to where I don’t want to SV anything, for less than 16 or 18 hrs, and apparently 24hrs or more is not usually a problem either