APO Wifi Issues Explained and potential solution

I think I found the root of the issue that is causing new oven’s unable to connect to the Anova APP.
Older firmware uses Anova’s apistack API key to grab time and location info. However the API key has a limited number of use every month.

  "success": false,
  "error": {
    "code": 104,
    "info": "Your monthly usage limit has been reached. Please upgrade your Subscription Plan."

Since authentication with apistack fails, the oven does not connect to the APP.
It would be nice if someone on the dev team can upgrade the API subscription or provide us time when monthly usage resets. Newer firmware uses Google’s api which does not have this issue.
An manual way to upgrade the firmware without having the oven connected to the app will also help.

Thanks for this! Just shared with the engineering team for review!

Got some answers from the engineering team! The APIStack error on old FW versions does NOT prevent the oven from connecting to WiFi or the app. The only impact is the oven will not know what timezone the oven is in for the nightly automatic OTA. Customer can still connect the oven to the app and manually update the oven’s FW via the app

However that’s not the case. The oven could not connect to the app. I’ve done some packet sniffing with Wireshark, after connecting the oven to my WiFi, I can only see requests going to APIStack, and no other. I can perform further digging.
My other oven which has the updated firmware (Using Google’s IOT platform) connects to the app flawlessly