Bone-in pork chop

Hi there,

Tried the APO with a nice piece of bone-in pork chop. Here’s my original goals and what I intended to achieve -
Juicy and soft meat and a nice crispy top just like the Cantonese roast pork.


  1. Rubbed the whole pork chop with salt, pepper and other dry herbs and seasoning
  2. Pricked a lot of holes on the surface of the skin
  3. SV the pork chop (55C/6 hours)
  4. Refrigerated the pork chop overnight to dry out the skin
  5. (next day) Put the probe into the pork chop. Set APO top & rear (250C) and probe (63C) for finishing

Here’s some fails and successes that I would like to share -

Fail -

  1. It took shorter time to crisp the pork skin (10 mins at 250C) than I had expected. The reason why I SV the pork chop at such low temperature (step 2 above) was that I was afraid it will take a long time to crisp the skin. Then, the pork chop will be over-cooked. I was wrong.
  2. As mentioned in 1), I set the SV temperature too low and i found the pork undercook (though the probe was set to 63 and it reached the targeted temperature during finishing). I was a little worried about the food safety

Success -

  1. The skin was refrigerated and dry before I put it back in the APO for step 5. It turned out nice and crispy. I didn’t put any salt on it while grilling. Subject to your taste, you can put different seasoning powder after it’s done.
  2. The SV pork was tender (at 55C & 63C), though I found it undercook cook. I ended up cutting smaller piece and fried them in a pan (not most ideal but it’s my first experiment on the thick pork chop). It was still very tender after pan-fry.

That’s what I am going to do for my next attempt -

  1. Pricked a lot of holes on the surface of the skin
  2. SV the pork chop (above 65C/6 hours).
  3. Refrigerated the pork chop overnight to dry out the skin
  4. (next day) Set APO top & rear (250C) until the skin is nice and crispy

Appreciate any comments/ corrections.

Love this experiment!!