British bacon.. all week long grab bag of porcine goodness.

By far my daughters favourite at home which she is doubtless hitting hard at university.

She / We tend to look for big bags of bacon offcuts (often a nice treacle bacon) at a waste-not price instore, these tend to be not quite perfect slices (uk cuts very thin indeed, like a gossamer veil) but when thrown into the SV in the ziplok bag and 55c (tenderloin as per the anova guide) it has never stuck together, and is easily peeled making for a very quick bacon and salad wrap to study with / anytime eats…

Obviously the dogs (as usual) go crazy for the juices when we finish (a bag = 2 cooks) and as it sits in its juices it is extra satisfying (even for a lifelong fan of crispy, I seriously cannot complain) we’ve taken having this sitting in the fridge beyond “fad” stage and it is more often there than not, even though I cure bacon et al at home, this has proven to be a hunger catch all for the 3 of us.
If you can bear to wait for the sv to heat up, the gentle warming has been good on and off for 7 days between fridge and water bath reheats (i’m not dead) and as it is so moist, a few seconds in the microwave has not proven detrimental…

At university this can translate to a 60 second warm wrap construct and eat, so she is saving cash and time (a hell of a lot of study reading) and facilitating early start lecture food to eat on the walk into campus or as a lecture heavy lunch, considering a full wrap typically consists of 1.5 rashers of thin bacon and a good handful of salad, frugal yet filling.

I may be stating the obvious here but considering how thin it is I always avoided pre packaged bacon cooked in this manner as I thought it could easily go the way of chicken bits and meld together, …now i’m kicking myself for not trying it sooner.