Good Veggies Recipe?

Thank you! No seasonings or anything on the broccoli? Is it far better tasting than other veggie prep?

Sous vide clearance at the site for $79

A bit of salt and a good “dollop” of butter. It’s the best broccoli I’ve ever eaten. Cooked but still a bit crunchy…but not raw-crunchy. Don’t leave long stems. I’ve done carrots, potatoes, corn on the cob so far. All better that on-the-stove cooking (although my one-pot gets me corn on the cob in two minutes.) As I said, this is why I got a second Anova. I am also thinking about the new nano as my SO likes her steak well done and I prefer medium rare. I have figured out how to do both in one tank but it takes longer since I have to lower the temperature for my steak and start again with it.

Thanks for the heads up on the "sale’ I just ordered my third :slight_smile:

I ordered my second, also!

Sous Vide Mushrooms…Sous Vide Mushrooms - DocsBay

Do not discard the thick stems of broccoli. They are delicious and similar to artichoke heart. All you need to do is to peal the tough skin off then slice into medallions. Cook with the rest of the broccoli.