Hi all,
I’m new to this oven and also just a novice cook. I need some help converting this regular oven recipe to something that would work with the APO:
Beef back ribs (1 rack - covered with foil), preheat to 375 and cook for 1.5 hours, then let sit in oven for 30mins.
For the APO I was thinking:
- I shouldn’t have to cover the rack and instead use steam at 80-100%? Then again I’m not sure if the point of covering it is to stop juices from splashing or to create a pseudo steam effect.
- The time can be cut down to 1 hour? Or just use probe? I never used a probe before so unsure what temp I should set it to or where in the meat I should stick it since they’re ribs? If I use the probe do I have to preheat the oven? I’m thinking trying to insert that probe in a hot oven with oven mitts is going to be a pain in the ass
- Temp stay the same or drop by 25 degrees?
Sorry for my noobness. Any tips would be highly appreciated!
Hi and welome Cactuar7,
Have you cooked Beef Back Ribs using that recipe?
Of so, did you enjoy your results?
That’s a menu item this cook has steadfastly avoided, so I’ll defer to other Community members who can offer you better guidance based on experience.
Being a self described novice cook you might want to consider taking a few preliminary steps along your culinary journey before taking on Beef Ribs. Something simple and with which you have been successful. Meatloaf comes to mind as being particularly difficult to screw up. And you get to use your probe too.
Have you read the manual, particularly about the use of the probe?
I’m pretty sure there’s a Ribs 101 recipe on the app, FWIW. Might be worth a look.,
My approach is low and slow:
- 6-ish hours at 146, 100% steam
- Remove the ribs, dry them off, and let the steam out of the oven.
- 3-5 minutes under the broiler (top element only, maybe 375) until they get a little colour
- Flip for another 3-5 minutes
- Sauce and two minutes per side to set.
I do all of this on an old cake cooling rack.
Of course, everything’s better over charcoal, but charcoal is not an option for me right now.

I’m betting others have their own approach to share. And anything @chatnoir has to offer should be taken very seriously.
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Thanks for recipe sharing Joe.
Your rib technique appears to deal effectively with the Rib’s combination of meat, connective tissue, and fat between the bones that makes them a challenge. Your temperature is high enough to convert sinew to collagen and melt fat while not so hot as to toughen and dry the meat. Bet they’re tasty.
Cactuar7, competent cooking requires the use of your knowledge and thinking about each item you cook. Tough meat or tender to start?
They require different cooking methods.
Let a thermometer be your feedback guide. Do you regularly use a thermometer in your conventional cooking, or do you guess? Knowing is always better. For best results insert the probe so the tip is in the centre of the meat and not touching any bone.
The probe’s temperature setting depends on your cooking plan. Usually it’s your temperature target based on desired degree of doneness.
For tender meat the following temperatures are the usually accept standards:
Rare. 125F
Medium- Rare 130F
Medium. 140F
You can have the item being cooked in the oven while it’s heating avoiding a potential pain in your hand. Baking is the exception because it requires precise timing.
It would be a good use of your time to review as many of recent posts here as you can manage. Look for a link to Douglas Blanchard’s site in those posts to gain a fundamental knowledge of Food Safety and the physics of cooking.
Do the work and you will do well.