I just purchased Anova Oven and struggling to make own recipes

I wanted to cook chicken thighs with fries and pak choi - but looking at the settings for each indivduiualy suggests not likely I could get settings to suit such a meal. Can anyone offer advice on this?

Cast the net a bit wider for a variety of replies there are quite lively reddit subforums for Anova product, ,just watch out for the asses on there also.

I’m the moderator of the Reddit forum r/CombiSteamOvenCooking. I run a very tight ship so there are no asses there.

OP, you typically require a higher temperature to cook veggies (>180°F, I usually do 194°F) by sous vide than you do for meats (chicken thigh is typically <170°F, I usually do 167°F), so that may be what you are seeing. The times will also be different. You could try cooking the veggies, then lowering the temp to cook the meat, but this is usually done for a much lower temp for something like steak at 131°F, which won’t further cook the veggies.

But there are a lot of one-pan meals out there that are not cooked sous vide, and any of those will work in the Anova (although it may require timing when you add each ingredient relative to the other for the optimum result).

If you want crispy fries, you will be running it at a high temp as an air fryer, which might be more challenging to combine with other ingredients.

Thanks for the info – I’ll have another crack at it!

Thanks for the advice!