IOS and Android Privacy Policy

I searched the forum for conversations on the privacy policy for the IOS and Android app but did not see any. I started using the app a few months ago and have been using it to document my recipes. Now the app wants me to login to edit and create recipes, and displays a notification that my personal information will be shared. What personal information is shared when logging in?


Hm, can you let me know exactly what that notification is stating, or if you have a screenshot, that would be better. Also, are you using iOS or Android?

@AlyssaWOAH, I had the app request log-in and reconnection of the APC on Monday(ish). I assumed an app update but it’s the first time in 18 months or more.

Yeah, we are getting reports of this. We had a major app update that affected log-ins. Our team is aware of it and are looking into it. It should only happen once, though. Please let me know if it forces you to log in and/or reconnect your APC again.

I got some clarity from our product team with the notification you’re referring to. The alert is an Apple requirement so that we can launch our new log in/sign up system in a browser view from the app. While the messaging in this alert is confusing, we don’t share information about users.