Looking for times from anyone with experience.
Lamb is the level pegging favourite to veggie burgers (yes, I know) in our house, whereas a steak is way down the list.
I had meal prepped, based on wife’s random shopping habits & have a backlog of decent sausages to get through 40 litre container of assorted pasta’s left over from lockdown & had said, we need to hit this, anticipate a few sausage & pasta dishes in coming days & weeks
One thing she came back from the supermarket this week was British lamb stuffed breast, 6 pieces, so , I’m freezing some sausages as this is fresh lamb, the stuffing wouldn’t thank me being frozen either.
Thin cut, rolled, can I safely sous vide this (have vac sealer to stop it coming apart though I prefer to use regular sous capable bacofoil bags.
To be pan finished / air fryer tested (so I can tell student house airfryer owning daughter if it works or not)
Simply could not find a stuffed lamb breast recipe, …thus the ask for guidance (as a regular supper time meal with a bit of steamed broccoli & some decent cornish sea salt.
Clock is ticking on me, sorry, & I need to get this licked for sunday night “nowt fancy” supper.