Langostinos LAB

Cáscara de limón amarillo
Marinar por 15 minutos los langostinos con sal y azúcar en partes iguales
Lavar con agua fría, ponerlos en la bolsa con un trozo de mantequilla, el laurel, y la cáscara de limón.
Ponerlos a “nadar” por 10 minutos a 158 grados F o 70 grados C
Retirar la cáscara de limón y la de laurel, servir inmediatamente


¡Hola! @Arandanos
¿Cuáles son las medidas para cada ingrediente?

1kilo de langostinos
2 cucharadas de sal
2 cucharadas de azúcar
Tres hojas de laurel
La cáscara de un limón
2 cucharadas de mantequilla

Pregunta. ¿Qué hace marinar las gambas con sal y azúcar para los langostinos?
(Question. What does marinating the prawns with salt and sugar do for the langostinos?)

It will give them freshness, firmness and will produce succulent prawns.

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I assume you mix the salt and sugar in water for the marinade. If so, how much water? Or is it a dry marinade?

It’s a dry marinade. I mix sugar and salt in a bowl and spread it generously over the prawns and let them sit for 10 -15 minutes. During this time I prepare an ice bath (Cold water with ice) to rinse of the remaining sugar and salt from the prawns once the marinating time is done. Make sure to rinse them completely, pat them dry and then bag them avoiding overlapping.

Thx. I’ll definitely be trying this.

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Yeah, me too. Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

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