No vaccum - Precision Vacuum Sealer (NOT the pro model)

Bought my Precision Vacuum Sealer from Best Buy last November (2022) so it’s not even a year old yet. Suddenly there is no vacuum, just a lot of noise like it’s trying to vacuum.

I removed the seal and washed it under hot water, and let it dry 24 hours (like the quick-start guides says to do) and wiped down with warm water the part of the device that seal touches when the device is closed. Still no vacuum.

According to the website, there is s 2 year warranty. I searched “support” by clicking that link at the bottom of the website, but the vacuum sealers are not listed on the resulting page.

How do I get this device repaired or replaced?


I have occasionally had such failures in my two year old VS, and learned to fiddle a bit to ‘fix’ it. It may be that something as simple as an unfortunate wrinkle in the bag will present a sufficient leak path as to prevent drawing a vacuum.

When my vacuum fails I first smooth and reseat the bag.

Good thought, but I’ve tried four different bags, ensuring all were smoothed out. I also pressed down on the top of the device to see if I could assist the seal, but that did no good either.


I have the same issue - NO vacuum just sealer. It is not the bag placement. Any other ideas of how to get it going? Thanks


I finally got mine working. I took out the foam seal, cleaned it very well, and let it air dry for 2 days. After that, it’s been working great.

Good luck,


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Many thanks for ideas here.

My little Anova sealer stuttered, then stopped sealing some bags properly. Applying the cleaning tips and advice here, it appears to be back up and operating properly.

Leaked juices and bits of dry rub appeared to be the culprits. After soaking and thoroughly cleaning the foam rubber insert and scrubbing the top and bottom inside of both hinged doors, I left it to air dry for a couple days. I did NOT immerse the unit, but used a dish scrubber with liquid detergent to thoroughly clean and then rinsed and towel dried.

Noted some debris bits on the upper bar that heat seals the bags, which could have prevented a good seal.

Especially check to see if the upper foam seal is seated properly. That was my problem (Pro model). It may not be obvious that there is one, but it’s the mirror image of the lower foam seal that you can see easily.