We have a new Anova Chamber Vacuum machine. It worked great for the first 8 smaller bags (6x9). When I switched to sealing meats (10x10 bag size) I noticed the first 3 did really well. Then the other 5 showed air pockets in them. I waited 30 minutes and tried to seal the last 2 and the same thing. I have tried increasing the vacuum time to 40 seconds and using a strong and normal seal time. I tried wiping down the seal around the lid and the contact rim on the base, I tried putting slight pressure on the lid when I hit the GO button.Nothing changed. Still not getting a complete seal! What could be causing this? I’ve had this a week and only used it once!
I’m having the same issue. Neither the normal nor the strong setting produces a vacuum seal without air pockets anymore. Pretty disappointing.
After having this issue with two new units I ended up getting a refund and I purchased a Vevor DZ-260A vacuum sealer. It was about the same money and it has a gauge on the front so you can see the vacuum being created in the chamber. It also uses an oil filled pump that seems to produce a stronger vacuum. In addition, you can easily control the time of the vacuum with up and down arrows on the face of the unit.
It’s not as stylish and it’s heavier than the Anova Chamber Vacuum, but it works great. And in the end, that’s what matters to me. I like the Anova unit but if it doesn’t reliably work it’s worthless.