On our way home from Florida vacation we stopped for the weekend with my daughter and SiL. He was Sous Chef de Cuisine at Peter Merriman’s Maui when I met him. Almost ten years later the ‘Coof’ has driven him from cuisinere to real estate.
As soon as we walked in he asked me about my SV adventures. After a glass of wine or two he gave me his signed copy of Thomas Keller’s Under Pressre. I have been reading it as an e-book for a couple of months.
He told of visiting Bouchon, per se and The French Laundry as a recent graduate chef. At ‘per se’ reservations were $200 per capita and waay in advance, much too rich for students, but they walked-in the kitchen door and met Chef Lee that gave them a cook’s tour of the kitchen. “Portions of which are carpeted!”