We are looking for Oven App feedback!

We are looking for feedback on the Oven app and would love to speak with you. We would like to learn about how you use the oven (and the app) and how we can improve your experience. Whether you are a power user or new to the oven app, we would love to hear from you!
If you are interested, please fill out the form below. The interview will take about 45 mins. Thank you!

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Why not just collect feedback here?

Here is mine so far:

Like to see an optional end of stage acoustical alarm!
Reason: some recipes require immediate action after a stage is finished (bread is a good example - it MUST go out right away). And because of the App people tend to move away from the APO and do other stuff.

I like to bookmark an Activity
Some settings I use rarely and they will be hard to find later.

I like to share an oven setting
A simple way to share an oven setting without creating a published recipe would be great. Some friends have APO too.

In recipes, get rid of "cups"
Simply unprofessional. And highly inaccurate.

In baking recipes, get rid of lbs, pounds, ml etc., or use it only as secondary reference
In baking we use either g or %. Note that we also don’t use ml - because you can’t measure ml accurately and you have your weight scale on the table anyway. Non-metric always has scaling issues.