The timer doesn’t turn the unit off. You want it to hold the temperature so your food doesn’t dip into the danger zone (40-129F)
Sous vide cooking (with a few exceptions, such as eggs and fish) is remarkably forgiving. Most meats you cook for many hours, so forgetting / getting tied up with other things doesn’t ruin your meal when you get back to it a little late.
Forgive me for being a noob, but I’ve had the same thing today. If it doesn’t switch the unit off, is there any point setting a timer? I’m prepping some ribs for 12 hours. I’ll be able to switch it off myself.
I understand the reasoning, but I cannot understand why Anova does not add to the program.
If I have a protein to cook @182° for 10 hours, why can’t the computer then say, “OK, times up, drop temperature to 165° until I am turned off”. It never gets to the danger zone and will not get overcooked because I was unable to turn off the sous-vide in the correct amount of time. The user could also set the cook time and the cool down temperature.
I’ll bet the update could be sent wirelessly via the phone app.