If not already found, refer to bottom of the site (footer) for contact with Anova, they don’t monitor / assist folk on these boards, otherwise you’ll be waiting time eternal for a CS response here.
Anova CS give flow chart answers rather than good real world product knowledge, thus the crashing around in the dark copy & paste from them.
You will need to request the CS boss, not the minions who I really do not rate as competent, generally speaking.
If you look on the photo’s of the Anova staff it is not difficult to work out their emails, which are all first name . surname @ etc (or along those lines anyway) I found this out via a simple google, check as it may have changed.
If you try as instructed “just in case” then update the case & then refund / another carbon heavy delivery & uplift of your product.
The impossible DOES happen, we own a very dangerous tesla model 3 that they will not & cannot fix the software for which has not worked properly for 3 years since new, thats why backroom technical folk SHOULD be on the frontline, as is they will be missing a lot of opportunity to learn from quirks of their own product, …idiocy, It makes me cringe when AI driving is bigged up, our cameras don’t work in most incidents, like when crashed into, multiple times & a bodily assault in front of the car (but it will pick up the postman delivering letters)