How To Turn On/Off Digest Emails

Hey folks. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up and let you know that I’ve disable the weekly digest emails for all users.

What are digest emails?
They are emails that are sent on a regular basis that provide a summary of what happened in the community. Examples of what you’ll find in these emails include: popular topics, # of new topics, # of likes received, and # of new posts.

How can I turn them on?

  1. Click on your avatar/profile pic
  2. Select the settings icon
  3. Select “Emails” on the left-hand side of the page
  4. Scroll down to “Activity Summary”
  5. Select “When I don’t visit here, send me an email summary of popular topics and replies”
  6. Choose the frequency (weekly, every two weeks, daily, etc).

How can I turn them back off again?
Go through all of the steps listed above and deselect “When I don’t visit here, send me an email summary of popular topics and replies”

Why did this happen?
I want to make sure that those who are receiving digest emails are actively opting-in. Receiving those emails should be an active choice on your part.

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. :slight_smile: