Oven restarting thread, updates&fixes

As of this morning - after my oven updated to 1.1.32 I am now seeing an error that says “Need Service 408”

I’ve tried doing the factory reset, reconnecting to Wifi, and reupdating firmware to 1.1.32. Each time it appears to boot correctly, but then after about 30-60 seconds, the error pops up again.

Oddly, it appears that I can partly control the oven from the app, but the handle only shows the error message. Has anyone else seen behavior like this?

As it stands, I suspect the best thing to do is factory reset and not update firmware until yet another release comes out fixing these bugs.

Hey Tim! Sorry about that issue. Can you email support@anovaculinary.com? Would love to help ya out!

Hey Tim. Digging into this more for you. Were you on 1.1.31 prior to this update?

Yes - I believe the oven was on 1.1.31 prior (although I didn’t update manually, it was connected to wifi and should have auto-updated to 1.1.31 in the previous week).

I will also followup with an email to Support.

By shear coincidence, my oven was unplugged over the last few weeks and I missed out on any auto-updates that could have made my oven misbehave.

I plugged it in this evening and manually started an update to 1.1.32 and after a bit the app claimed the update failed and try again. Tried again but no connection.

I go to the oven and the handle says OTA and 100%. No idea what that meant. No response on the handle. So I unplugged it, waited a moment and plugged it in again.

Now the oven reports version 1.1.32 to the app and appears to be fine. Haven’t tried running it.

I’d be curious to hear what OTA indicates.

Updates to an oven should probably be beta tested before posting it as an automatic update. Engineer here as well. 25 years at Apple.