Timer Function on the Anova Precision Cooker

I think the whole point of setting the APC using a recipe is as a convenient way of setting both temp and timer with one click…a package deal, so to speak. If one only wants to use the specified temp then it’s just as easy to set that directly.

As to the issue of timers beeping incessantly when they’ve elapsed, that’s the behavior of most electronic timers. If one does not want that to happen, or does not plan to be nearby at the target time then it makes absolutely zero sense to use a timer in the first place. And I don’t know that it ever maes sense to use a timer for cooks that last multiple days.

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Which is exactly why you need an option to use only temperature from the app recipes. If you’re actually using a recipe as a guide it’s a pain to flip back and forward. I tend to only use the ‘guides’ and ignore the times. But because I can’t take the temp without taking the time from a guide (and with the time goes the problems of overriding times when it reconnects or the incessant beeping) I have to set temp manually from the app. So, I usually give in and set manually from the APC.

There’s no need to flip back and forth. Spin the thumbwheel on the APC and press the start button. I get what you’re saying, and more flexibility from apps is always nice. But I just don’t see real problem in this case.

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Yes. It is what I do. However, manual set resolution is 0.5° whereas app-set resolution is 0.1°. This is a significant difference in a device sold on precision.

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Personally, I wouldn’t lose any sleep over the difference. Just set it to the nearest 0.5° C mark. I honestly can’t think of a recipe where ±0.2 °C would make any difference.

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That’s a fair point. But I’ve only seen a handful of recipes that specify a temperature more granular than 0.5°F, and as michihenning himself points out above I doubt youd be able to perceive any difference with a maximum of 0.2°F deviation.

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@michihenning and @DParker, while agree that the resolution is really only a minor problem in reality, I do think it’s a large failing in a device that is marketed on it’s precision and ability to accurately hold temperature to within + or - 0.1C.


There is a difference between accurately controlling to within ±0.1 °C and a need to select with a resolution of ±0.1 °C. Maintaining temperature precisely is useful. It’s what sous vide is mostly about. But I’m hard pressed to see the need for selecting that precisely. Even 0.5 °C increments already seem better than what is necessary.

Which recipes are there where I could reliably tell the difference between two identical dishes having been cooked at x °C versus x+1 °C? Eggs maybe? For almost anything else, I’d expect any difference to be close to undetectable.

If the 0.1 °C increments are important to you, use the app to set the temperature. The problem with the wheel is that, with 0.1 °C increments, you’d have to turn the wheel five times as far to change temperature, which would make it awkward to use. As is, the wheel works really well. I can use it to quickly and reliably dial up whatever temperature I want, without having to turn it excessively.

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Replying to my own comment. I will recommend this device, but with the advice to ignore the app and timer function. Just set the temperature on the unit and use any other sort of timer to keep tabs on cooking time.

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Does Anova ever do firmware updates?

Is it even possible?

My web searches lead me to believe that it’s not possible to update the firmware. Either that, or Anova are not letting on about any such option. As best as I can work out, there has never been a firmware upgrade that could be applied by the end user.

If I’m wrong, I’d only be too happy to learn about it!


Thanks for responding Michi!

The “Cyber-Week” deal may just have to get a PASS here.


Wait, what?? They built an internet-connected device in 2017 that can’t be updated OTA??? I’m failing to see wisdom in that. 2002, maybe. 2017, not a chance.

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You have thrown out a very interesting question. Do any precision cookers get firmware updates or is it just the software? I do not know the answer to this question.

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I just received my unit December 10, 2017 and I find the timer manual set instructions absolutely ridiculous. This is such a simple fix. While I use the Bluetooth controls on my phone, when I am not home others are unable to use this feature. Idiocy!

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December 28th 2017. The timer function remains unusable on both unit and app. So unfortunate. I spent quite a while trying to figure it out.

If the timer was removed completely and any promotion of the app ceased entirely, it would be much less insulting to the intelligence of past, current, and future users.

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Is there a way to reset the timer to zero or turn it off? When I use the Android app to set it to zero it just ignores the input. I can set it to any value other than zero and it seems to work, but I can’t set it to zero and I can’t turn it off. If I can’t turn off the timer it will go off at some preset time and beep forever unless I set it to the max time of 99:59. There must be a better way. This is quite annoying.

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That’s what you get with programmers who don’t think of boundary conditions. It’s sad, really. The Anova does very, very few things. Simple things. And they are implemented so poorly that I’ve given up on operating the device using the timer or the app. And, even then, I have to put up with the incessant useless beeps. Design fail.


Actually No. Dinner is never lost with a SV. You could miss by hours and still have perfectly cooked meat.

The Timer issue is so frustrating! I have had my Anova Sous Vide (WiFi connected) since June '17. I have loved it and all worked perfectly. Never had a problem using the App (iOS) finding and kicking off recipes. The Sous Vide would kick a message to my phone and it would be replicated on my Apple Watch. Then all changed last month (Jan '18) when I sent back my Comcast Cable Modem/WiFi combo and purchased a new cable modem and a separate WiFi router (Netgear Nighthawk S6X). I still set the Anova with my iPhone and I still get the alert the water is ready on my iPhone, but no longer get that particular alert on my Apple Watch. When I open the app, the timer is no longer running. I look at my Sous Vide screen and it only shows the set temperature, where before, it would alternate temperature and remaining time. Since I don’t know if the alert and timer is controlled locally or actually passes back and forth to Anova so I can control Sous Vide over the internet while not on my wifi, I really don’t know what broke. I went through all the reset/restore procedures a few times. It was so nice and now I feel jipped.

Any thoughts?

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