Today's 5GET50 Discount Code is

Used the March 18 code.

Just stared learning about sous vide cooking and was successful with the 5get50 code so pulled the trigger on an Anova One! trusting its the best choice for a large family with larger family get togethers.

@drdave-dc Nice one! How many people are you talking about? I’ve done 36 hour chuck steak for 7 guests plus myself and it’s spectacular, it’s kind of my signature dish now :slight_smile: “Wait, what? This is casserole steak?” lol. Chuck is dirt cheap too, which helps when cooking for lots of people. Have you also got a vacuum sealer?

Yeah, my Anova PC has just been delivered!!! I am totally stoked! Happy cooking this weekend B)

I was on the fence about buying the Anova Precision Cooker, but this made the decision a little easier. I placed my order today.

@gmacted Woohoo! Congrats! Glad this helped you decide. What are you going to be cooking?

@gmacted Woohoo! Congrats! Glad this helped you decide. What are you going to be cooking?

That’s a very good question. I think I’ll start off with something simple, but I’m open to anything and everything. I’ve owned a vacuum sealer for at least 10+ years for food storage, now it will have a new use.

@gmacted One of my early cooks was strip steak and it’s great because it’s simple to prepare, doesn’t take too long, and comes out great. It’s still one of my favorites and I cook it pretty often. Maybe too often haha.

Had been considering one of these for a while and was browsing around and saw the code… needless to say the $50 off made the decision for me. Looking forward to getting it!

@“Matt Kocin” Happy to hear, we hope you stick around and hang out with us in the forums :slight_smile:

Check out this thread and introduce yourself -

:)) :ar! >:) 8-} :-& :o3

Where’s the 4/10 code? I’ve been refreshing all day!

Great! I finally got one for $50 less. My hope is that the shipment is sooner
than the two previous ones I ordered. Fingers crossed!

The 4/20/15 code doesn’t work according to my shopping cart… :frowning:

@“Alex R” Oh no, looks like five other people snagged the code yesterday! Try back again for today’s code :slight_smile:

Holy Moly! I got me a Anova Circulator on the way. The $50.00 off code sealed the deal.
I can’t wait. I see a tasty pork loin in my future!

@Tortuga Awesome! Congrats, let us know if you have any questions on getting started! Any plans for the first cook?

Finally bought an Anova Precision Cooker today by using the $50 off code. Can’t wait for it to be delivered! Yeah Yeah Yeah!

YES! Got the $50 discount, very nice indeed! Can’t wait to get started and, of course, answer the questions on how I got those ribs so incredible tender… :wink:

Great !!