WiFi Connection solved for me

I was having trouble connecting to the wifi - read the troubleshooting guide and found out it is because I had a space in my wifi name. Changed the name and all is good!

Hope this helps!

Last iPhone app version 3.1.2 released 20 Oct 19 improves many wifi connections issues too.

Thanks, GeeMan, I’m going nuts trying to figure out why my phone won’t connect to the Anova. I received a replacement Anova because it would’t circulate, but it always connected to my phone. Now I got one that circulates but won’t connect. I’ll check out my wifi password, hope that’s the trouble!

Well, I just checked my wifi password, and it doesn’t have a gap. So I suppose I have a different problem…

Hi Jen,
My wifi name had a space in it and that was the problem. Good luck!