Anova Procision Cooker Wifi Not showing Temp while heating

Hi there,
i got mine from ebay today. My first one (Bluetooth) died after 3 years. So it was ‘unused’ the ebay seller said…looked like it, the display cover was still on. Connected to wifi, set temp and startet. Thought it would show the temp on the display and APP while heating. It did neither, just showed teh temp it startet at, and was not changing/updating it and just kept on heating. When i stopped the cook it updated the temp (higher than i initially wanted/setup). Any known issue or did i just buy a dead cooker? I try to get the receipt from the seller, might be in the warranty range :frowning:
I got the MAC-Adress 4c-24-98-a8-6e-b9 which might help to identify and might give an info when purchased…although that might not do it.
BTW, my Anova Oven works great, so did the first cooker. Might just have been … by the seller. :frowning: Regards from GErmany

Hey Michael! So sorry that happened to you. Reach out to and we can assist you however possible.