Anyone else? App refuses to stick to C/ F setting? ALSO recipes gone haywire.

Just this really had it happen now for multiple months, still no resolution, just reported it they wanted a video FFS.

It MAY take whilst you use the app, but then when you close the app down till next time it is a do over again!

tried to pull up my favourite (wiped from favourites) pickling recipe for my daughter to store in her account and have it back on mine… it is from 2 prolific contributors and I have it on a thread here, but my brain injuries don’t let me necessarily remember where things are day to day (effectively punch drunk appearance) …have had to be aware of early onset dementia since I was 17 in essence.

This one: Crunchy sliced red onions (quick pickle)
Whilst it is working today on my PC, when I searched via my phone it would not allow me to look at their collective contributions as a page, clicking on their profile just produced another error listed.

Anyone else?
NB i’m running android 8.0.1 as far as I can remember (not far)

Its now march and having reported this back in jan, the useless anova CS have done precisely fcuk all, “again”

Sometimes the app settings will accept changes made but more often than not it just cannot complete the action that it had somehow slipped into, …im getting pissed off with the whole thing now.

I would not be paying for this level of performance as a new user.

3 weeks later ish..

Same problem, 3 weeks later have told anova cs more times than youd need to train a chimp to wipe its own backside and dispose of the paper..

Anova employs un-trainable faeces eating chimpanzees it seems. :person_facepalming::see_no_evil_monkey::poop::microscope: