I’ve been using my Precision Cooker 2.0 on wifi without issues since 2019. When I used it in October, I saw the message about the new subscription–this is not a discussion about that decision.
The rest of the cook in October went fine, and I put it away. Today I turned it on for another cook, and the app showed a new pop up saying I couldn’t proceed without a subscription (even though I’ve been grandfathered in to the old plan). I hit continue without subscription, and my cooker wasn’t listed at all, the few custom recipes I’d made were missing, and I couldn’t activate the cooker. My account suggested I was logged in, but I couldn’t do anything without a subscription. I cleared the app cache and started again.
This time I got the same message as in October: subscription only, you can keep using the product you bought 5 years ago, etc. I started the connection process, and it initially went smoothly. I entered the 4-digit code on the app, and an Android pop-up asked me if I wanted to connect to the device. I hit connect and saw a “Connection Successful” message at the bottom of the screen–again it looked like an Android system notification not from the app.
After that the app sat on “Connecting” (even though it was connected?) for 10 minutes before eventually taking me to the home screen. It showed the device in my inventory but said it couldn’t connect. Trying the connection process again had the same result.
I’ve spent so much time messing with the connection that I lost almost an hour of warming up/cook time. I decided to start the cooker manually and fix the connection later.
The Anova guides I found all basically say “follow whatever the app says” with no further info. I’ve found some old user posts suggesting wifi issues that might cause a problem, but I don’t think they apply since the device was connected as recently as October 2024, and no network changes have been made since.
What else can I try to connect the device? Is there a way to connect to the Anova temporary wifi network I see? Do I still have to force my phone to 2.4GHz in order for the device to be able to connect to my 2.4 network? I haven’t tried that yet because I don’t remember doing it 5 years ago, and I didn’t think of it until after I was cooking. I didn’t want to delay the start time any longer.
Appreciate any tips on getting this device connected again. After the disappearance of my custom recipes, I might just use it manually from now on.