Chicken breast w veggies

Hello! First try today. Want to make skinless boneless chicken breasts with carrots and Brussel sprouts, can I put them all in together? and how do I sear after soup vide??? Thank you

Not sure about the first question – that will depend on a lot of factors, not least of which is cooking temps, but the second question, I can offer a suggestion: Once everything is cooked, pull it out, turn the oven way up with rear and top burners, pat down the chicken, maybe brush or rub just a little oil on everything (grapeseed is a favorite because it has a very high smoke point) on everything and put the whole works back in the oven to brown. With chicken, I put it back upside down and once I see any signs of browning, I flip right-side up. Veggies will need to be flipped as well.

Thank you very much! That’s exactly what I did, and it came out really good. Thank you again for taking the time to respond!

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