Customer service?

Our new oven was received severely damaged. We contacted Anova via their website and called two times only to have to leave a voicemail. I’m trying to give them the opportunity to do the right thing and send me a replacement oven, but if it takes much longer for them to respond or they don’t respond at all, then I will be demanding a full refund and will never purchase another one of their products again. we do realize that the actual fault lies with UPS, but you would think Anova could respond promptly and remedy the situation.

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is this the 1.0 or 2.0?


Anova finally responded almost 3 weeks later. they offered to send a new oven or a full refund. I told them that I was not confident that UPS would not damage the next oven, and also that customer service was so lacking that I feared if I had issues with the new oven that I would be fighting to get it resolved so I asked for a full refund which they granted. I am not happy about it because I really wanted this oven but it’s just not worth it.

Full refund is definitely inconvenient but probably the best way to go. Think about this, if they cannot make 1.0 work, what is the odd that they can make 2.0 work at all. Also, their ovens are irreparable or at least Anova does not even attempt to repair in many cases. Many of our units ended up in the landfill after a short period of usage. Mine was only 8 months, extremely bad to the environment.

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