I don’t use this much and after less then 10 times, the holder disintegrated. The plastic is hollow and looks to be paper thin. This looks like a manufacturing defect or horrible design. What are my remedies to get this corrected?
Contact the ultra crap customer service idiots for a replacement, good luck, they can bungle a lot of incredibly simple things as they are pretty much worthless day to day and have sod all actual knowledge of their limited product portfolio.
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I bought a replacement for one of the other ANOVA cookers that was a bit larger than my old PC so that I cannot clamp it so tight that the differential thermal expansion between the cooker and the holder breaks the holder. That was quite a while ago.
Also you can use a suitable glue and clamp the clamp to bond it, did this after checking with anova a few years ago so it is logged in the archive of broken clamp tears threads.
As are the quick fix alternates, grab a cuppa, go read,