I figured out to to get Notifications back and also turn the oven off when finished cooking

If anyone is interested, I got fed up w/the lack of Alexa APO notifications. They used to work but stopped well over a year ago. You can still enable them in Alexa app but you’ll never actually get a notification. These were critical since the APO doesn’t stop cooking when the recipe is done.

So I figured out how to solve both of those. It’s a combination of:

  1. MacroDroid (for android devices), costs $7
  2. URL Routine Trigger (Virtual Smart Home™ • URL Routine Trigger for Alexa Routines)
  3. A couple Alexa routines: one that announces when oven is preheated and then another that stops the oven and announces the over has finished cooking.

If anyone is interested I can post more details.

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I want to participate in virtual smart home.But i face some problem when i open the link.