Is there a finer temperature adjustment method planned?

Hey Bernhard, 

I’m sorry we don’t have the new version out in Europe yet. It is something we are currently working on! 

They device does in fact measure to the 10th of a degree, but you can only set it to the 10th of the degree via the App. As you mentioned, on the physical device you can only set it by 0.5° steps, but the device will still measure to the 10th. 

You should be able to set to the 10th of the degree for C°, let me know if that is not the case for you and I can help you out. 

As far as the difference between V1 and V2, the V2 does not have anymore precise temperature settings compared to the V1, the main differences are as you mentioned 900w and a stronger pump. Both are great devices, it really just depends on if you want the higher wattage and stronger pump.

I will pass on your feedback about making setting temperatures on the device more precise, we are all about precision here, so I am sure it will be taken into account. 

If you have any other questions I am here to answer them, welcome to the Anova community, we are stoked to have you!