time to deliver

How long does it take to receive the oven after the cut off date?

That’s probably a question best directed to Anova Culinary Customer Support. This forum is made up exclusively of the customers. They used to have a presence here, but that ended some time ago.

I received Anova Oven today (10-04-2020).
I am having trouble connecting it to wi-fi via the app. I can only get it to work if I connect to my phone’s hotspot; not a solution. Just an fyi.

I noticed when I set my oven up yesterday it can only connect to 2.4Ghz networks. It could not detect/connect to any 5Ghz networks - you may need to enable a 2.4Ghz network on your home router?

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This was enabled before I tried the Anova setup. Thanks for the suggestion tho.