The app

My advice is that ANOVA needs to stop wasting their money and valuable software resources on the app. The process that will lead to efficiently satisfying customers is to designate a product manager and have this person write up the proposed specification for the app. This specification should then be validated with the customers. Once this specification is complete I am sure the software engineers will do a superb job at implementing it.

The current app is useless to me. It is a waist of time for me to even describe the problems until you have put some process in place to meet customers needs.

@sousvide137 Thank you for your message, we’re working to better the app and have been listening to our iOS customers’ feedback in order to improve the current experience as well as provide a great experience with the Android and Windows versions. We appreciate everyone’s insight - thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

You need a firmware upgrade & a new app, because it is better not to use the app now than this painful ever bipping app ! Worse happen when you decide to get out of range of the unit.