Complete Shut Down

My oven suddenly go blank . Tried to change to another power source and it’s still the same. The oven is just turning two. The shelf-life is way too short. Please help.

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Have you contacted customer support.
Check your owners manual for fuses.

Hi John,

yes, have contacted customer support…waiting for their reply.

Will check out the manual …appreciate your reply. Thanks so much

Hi! What did they say?

Have not received any reply except for the standard auto reply message.

I think my unit is doing the same. Blank display. quickly flashes sometime. No longer reconnecting to the app after the last power cycle.

My unit is 2 years this month, but original purchase had the 15A plug, so just over 2 years.
I’ve just applied to return under warrantee.

Still no reply from support. Decided to file a return also.

I received a replacement oven (in warranty) after my oven continued to display “needs service” error on the LCD.

The new oven appears defective in that any attempts to operate over 400 deg. F results in a complete shut down and reset.

  1. Oven hits 400+ … food goes in.
  2. After a few minutes (or more) … OFF and everything goes black/blank.
  3. After a few minutes of contemplating its void state of being … LCD comes back on … but oven remain off and have to temperature settings.
  4. Repeat septs 2-4.

I’ve contacted support under the previous RMA/Support Ticket. as of my Tuesday at 8:30. Will repost/update when I have some traction with support.

My oven is doing similar things. Last 30 days it’s gone completely blank three times. Then after about 5-10 minutes of being off, everything starts back up. I just contacted support this morning.

I received a replacement and just hope that the oven can last.

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Receiving a replacement does not address the problem / knowledge pool though.

Come on Anova let folk know “why” machines are crapping out, silence breeds contempt for the brand otherwise, interact.

Totally agree…no point just replacing when the inherent problem is not solved

I am on my second oven and it’s going back under warranty. I bought the original one in December 22. Returned that one after a few months when problems started. The current one started shutting down around a month ago. It gets progressively worse over time. Unusable for anything over 425Degs f at the moment. Sending it in every 6 months is not a solution. Anova needs to fix the problem and send me an oven that works.

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There’s one reason to demand replacement even if Anova haven’t solved the underlying problem, exposing the cost of not solving said problem and thereby giving them a reason to solve it. If everyone with nonfunctioning wifi send back their oven for replacement then hopefully Anova had put some effort into fixing it. At some point the cost of “free” replacements will be large enough for them to consider a real solution, be it a more expensive wifi chip or hiring programmers or whatever.

Speak up @anovaculinary

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Yes. Came here for the exact same reason. Oven seems to shut down completely from time to time, cooking at 425 degrees. It has happened twice now. I bet it’s the PCB (not convenction) fan falure and it’s overheating. Oven is 2-3 years old. What is the warranty on these?

Warranty is 2 years

I got my new oven and this one shuts down within 60 seconds if the steam is active at any temp. Oven seems to maintain temp perfectly otherwise. Too bad I bought this to be a steam oven and Sous vide. Neither can I do with this one.

Send it back, I’m on my third replacement waiting for number four. Sorry to say the quality control is not the best.

Dan Hartke
Director of Operations
Nutting Engineers of Fl., Inc.